
Ages 12 - 24 months



Toddle means to walk unsteadily.


Factors of Development

Building a strong attachment with your child. Role modelling and supporting self-regulation. Parenting with positive discipline. Exposure to words, diverse environments and encouraging your child to explore. Nutrition, physical activity, adequate rest and routine.


Positive Discipline

As toddlers work to express their independence, they will exhibit behaviors such as tantrums, crying, sometimes throwing or hitting. Creating routines, managing expectations and assisting them with communication are ways to hinder these behaviors. Most importantly, toddlers mimic the behavior they see, we are their first and best teachers.


Areas of Development

  • Gross Motor Skills

  • Fine Motor Skills

  • Depth Perception

  • Cognitive Development

  • Social Development


Pushing and Pulling Objects. Dressing and Undressing. Potty Training. Use of Pincer Muscles. Turning Pages in a Book. Sorts Shapes. Makes small towers. Increased Attention Span. Understands cause and effect. Follows 1 and 2 step directions. Points to Body Parts. Repeats song rhymes. Vocabulary is evolving. Shares with peers.


Freshmen (6 weeks- 12 months)


Juniors (25- 36 months)